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The Magic Bullet

It is almost the end of January. How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions?

If it hasn't been very successful (again!) and you are beating yourself up, I have got news for you. It isn’t in your genes but in how you planned.

Here is a short guide how to make any goal work for you.

First of all make sure that your goal is measurable. Goals like “I want to have more free time” or “I want to read more books” don't give you a measure of success because they can't be quantified.

To start it helps to be more specific for example: “I want to read 10 new books this year”.


A: stands for an achievable goal. The minimum you can do.

I: for your ideal goal. The maximum you can do.

M: for your middle goal. A realistic one.

S: be specific. The first step you are going to take (if it is reading more, it could be a trip to a book store)

M: measurable. It can be measured. To continue with the reading analogy, it could be one book a month

A: achievable. Read during the train commute, for example

R: reasonable. Can fit in your schedule

T: time oriented. It can be achieved in a specific time frame.

Interesting? The most important ingredient is still missing. Value is the magic bullet here. If you don't give a worth to your plan or resolution there is no reason why you should stick to it. So to continue with our reading example what will make stick to your “reading more” goal could be the importance and the value you give to the intellectual stimulus coming from the learning. So when you are tempted to read your emails while commuting or to relax playing some computer games, remind of yourself how happy and fulfilled reading makes you feel. Opening the book will come natural to you and you are inching towards achieving your plan.

Reaching your goal means more satisfaction which in turn generates more confidence and more happiness and fulfilment. What are you waiting for. Dust off that one month old resolution and give it a try. You will be surprised how easy it can be to hit the target.

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